Christian Steinhäuser

Universität Bonn
Institut für Zelluläre Neurowissenschaften
Sigmund Freud Str. 25
53105 Bonn       

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Christian Henneberger

Institute of Cellular Neurosciences
University of Bonn Medical Center
Sigmund-Freud-Str. 25
D-53127 Bonn

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UKB ( is a public, internationally recognized clinical unit that is tightly associated with the Medical Faculty of Bonn Univ. The neurosciences represent one of five key scientific areas constituting the research profile of UKB. The epilepsy centre at UKB is one of the largest and renowned world-wide, comprising several clinical and research departments, which collaborate in a truly interdisciplinary fashion. Among the research units in the epilepsy centre, the Institute of Cellular Neurosciences ( is focussing on the role of glial cells in normal neural function and in the epileptic brain. The institute currently hosts 1 full professor, 1 jun. professor who will be PI in the present project, 1 technician, 7 postdocs and 10 PhD/MD students