WP 7 | Network management and organisation



O7.1 Provide optimal orientation to all partners through a quick set-up of effective management & communication structures, guidance and support.
O7.2 Transparency for consortium partners and the EC through proper project documentation.
O7.3 Maximize effectiveness of project activities: ensure the timely and qualitative achievement of project results through scientific and administrative coordination


T7.1 Recruitment of ESRs (All): Pan-European advertisements in readily accessible websites (e. g. EURAXESS) and journals will be made to attract and appoint ESRs to the network. Open, transparent and fair selection procedures will be carried out.
T7.2 Implementation of efficient management and support structures (P1): The coordinator (USAAR) will install a well experienced management support team. The EU-GliaPhD management team will be responsible for quick set-up of the project’s organisational and communication structure in order to safeguard a smooth project start and enable immediate uptake of activities. This will be complemented by an electronic storage of the project framework on password-protected, web-based project management platform.
T7.3 Contractual issues and decision making management (P1): USAAR will be responsible for the preparation, collection and maintenance of contractual documents (Grant Agreement, and Consortium Agreement) and will ensure that project partners are aware of the project’s legal framework at all times. Furthermore, the management team will organize regular project meetings to assess and discuss project progress. This will allow for informed decision making, thorough risk review and, if needed, prompt conflict resolution.
T7.4 Overall project management to ensure the timely and quantifiable achievement of project results (P1, all): A main task of the management team will be the control and monitoring of the work package status measured against deliverable and milestone planning, and quality assurance of project outcomes. Furthermore, the management team will coordinate the official progress reports to be submitted to the EC.

D7.1 Report on recruitment completion (Mo 9);
D7.2 Reports on project meetings (Mo 24, 48);
D7.3 Consortium agreement (Mo 3)